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Here are the Best Foods for Fibroids to Eat Right Now

Posted on March 18, 2024

The best foods for fibroids are fresh and healthy, and they can reduce your tumor risk and help you manage existing fibroid symptoms. They're tasty and easy to find in the grocery store. And, as an added bonus, most are items that can support whole-body health when added to your diet. Let's dive in together, and be sure to keep your shopping list close by while you read.

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Best Foods for Fibroids

Recently, a study in the journal Nutrients reviewed more than 200 previous studies to find the foods you can eat to reduce your fibroid risk and to help manage your existing fibroid symptoms. Here are some of their top recommendations:

  • Adding more organic foods, since certain chemicals can increase fibroid risk
  • High fiber foods such as broccoli or other crunchy veggies.
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Beta-carotene rich treats such as carrots and sweet potatoes that may also boost fertility!
  • Legumes, grass-fed beef (in moderation) and lean poultry for the iron content
  • Quinoa, flaxseeds and other whole grains
  • Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapes and apples
  • Berries, pineapple and kiwi
  • Green tea
  • Omega-3 fatty acid rich fish

You may also wish to add fibroid-fighting supplements to your diet, including B-complex and D vitamins.) But make sure to clear any new supplements with your healthcare provider before adding them to your routine.

Fibroid Relief That Goes Beyond Your Diet

While the best foods for fibroids could help reduce your tumor risk or reduce the pain of your symptoms, diet alone can't help shrink your existing fibroids. Instead, you'll have to explore more lasting treatment options. And, if you want to avoid surgery and preserve your uterus, we invite you to explore Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) in Georgia. This minimally invasive treatment option allows you to avoid anesthesia, surgery and overnight hospital stays while shrinking fibroids and relieving your symptoms. Want to see if this is the right pathway for you to find fibroid relief? Click here to request an appointment with our fibroid specialists in Georgia.

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