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Finding Your Most Effective Treatment for Uterine Fibroids

Posted on March 10, 2025

If you have symptomatic fibroids (non-cancerous uterine tumors that are most common in pre-menopausal women) your quality of life could be negatively impacted. While not all women with fibroids will have symptoms, recognizing yours can help reduce your diagnosis time. Afterward, you can find your most effective treatment for uterine fibroids.

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Identifying Uterine Fibroids Symptoms

While the size, location and number of fibroids you have can impact your experience, common symptoms include:

  • Heavy bleeding and prolonged menstruation, sometimes resulting in fatigue or anemia.
  • Pressure or pain in the pelvis  
  • Abdominal fullness or bloating.
  • Frequent need to urinate when fibroids press against your bladder.
  • Pain in your lower back and legs: Fibroids can cause discomfort in the lower back and legs.
  • Pain or discomfort during sexual activity.
  • Difficulty conceiving or infertility
  • Pregnancy complications

Available Uterine Fibroids Treatments

From non-invasive to surgical, there are a variety of treatments for uterine fibroids:

  • Medication: Prescriptions containing hormones can help with symptom management but won't remove or shrink fibroid tumors.
  • Surgery: There are two main surgical treatment option: myomectomy, which removes individual tumors and hysterectomy, a majorly invasive procedurethat completely removes your uterus.  
  • Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE): A happy medium, this procedure takes a minimally invasive, non-surgical approach to shrinking fibroids.

Can I Treat Fibroids Without Surgery?

Yes! If you want to do more than manage your fibroid symptoms, UFE at Georgia Fibroids could be your most effective treatment option for uterine fibroids. This procedure blocks fibroids' blood supply; robbed of this nutrition, the tumors then shrink, eventually dissapearing. Why else might you choose UFE?

Key Advantages:

  • Minimally Invasive, performed without major incisions.
  • Preserves the Uterus and fertility options.
  • Less Scarring, Less Downtime and a Shorter Recovery Period: You should be able to resume normal activities within a week of your procedure!
  • Reduced Risk for Complications such as infection or bleeding
  • Effective Symptom Relief from pelvic pain, heavy bleeding and more.

Choosing Your Most Effective Treatment for Uterine Fibroids

If you want to preserve your uterus, avoid surgery and enjoy effective relief from fibroid symptoms, you could be a great candidate for UFE in Georgia. You can learn more about this treatment and take control of your health by requesting a consultation with our interventional radiologists.

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Is UFE right for me?
Find out if UFE is the best treatment option for your needs and goals. Schedule a consultation with our team of specialists today.
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3225 Cumberland Blvd. Southeast, Suite 520
Atlanta, GA 30339

1035 Southcrest Dr., Suite 220 + 250
Stockbridge, GA 30281

1975 Lakeside Pkwy., Suite 300
Tucker, GA 30084

Monday – Friday
8am – 5pm


Please contact our dedicated specialists to schedule a consultation today.

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